Research Methodologies and Thesis writing

Research Methodologies and Thesis writing
Official preconference workshop
26 Oct 2023
8:00 – 17:00
HICC Novotel – Hyderabad
+91 90593 40232 on WhatsApp or Call on +91 90593 70232

About the course

We aim to help students / residents in the field of emergency medicine in their thesis preparation and research.
This course covers research methods, design, and statistical analysis for a thesis topic a student needs to cover during his postgraduation academic tenure. The student will be able to apply the skills learned by developing his/her own research question, gathering data, and analysing and reporting on the results using statistical methods.

Who should attend:
Postgraduate trainees in Emergency Medicine, Resident doctors and those interested in research preparation.

  1. Introduction to medical research and thesis writing
    Scope: Covers the objectives of this course
    Identifying a compelling research topic and crafting an effective strategy are key challenges in achieving success in research. You often find topics by closely examining real-world challenges. Alternatively, inspiration can come from the existing literature and participation in relevant conferences.
    This course will emphasize a practical approach to selecting significant research topics and provide guidance on developing and presenting the same effectively.
  2. Biostatistics overview
    Scope: Covers research methods, design, and statistical analysis
    Analytical biostatistical methods that have been found to be particularly useful and prevalent in the design and analysis of medical and public health research studies. Medical professionals and students are expected to understand and interpret correctly the journal articles summarizing research projects relevant to our health practices. Perusal of any research journal in medicine verifies this assertion through use of statistical techniques. We shall be reviewing the rationale and interpretation of basic statistical summaries and biostatistical analyses during this course.
  3. Generating suitable research ideas
    Scope: Covers research focus on enhancing patient outcomes and the significance of mentorship
    Emergency care research is unique in its focus on time sensitive diseases and acute injuries at the cellular and patient levels.
    Given the vastness of emergency medicine and numerous unanswered inquiries, beginners might struggle to pinpoint their research focus. A mentor can provide guidance in this regard. Mentorship is a vital factor in the achievements of junior researchers in emergency care.
  4. Literature search and critical review of journal article
    Scope: Covers how to collect relevant, timely research on your chosen topic and synthesize it into a cohesive summary of existing knowledge.
    The goal of a literature analysis is to broaden and deepen your understanding of a work of literature. Reviewing literature is critical where the researcher analyses and evaluates many sources on a specific topic. We shall be evaluating how a literature search must be critically analysed and reviewed.
  5. How to achieve study objectives
    Scope: To identify crucial elements in research design
    After identifying an area of interest for research, the next crucial step is to develop a viable research project. The course will emphasis on integrating elements in research that are hypothesis driven, mechanistic, sequential studies, highly focused, and bridging the gap between clinician and investigator.
  6. Common mistakes in research synopsis
    Scope: Covers common mistakes to avoid when writing a research article
    Publishing a research article is an important part of being a graduate student. However, the process behind writing a research paper is not natural to most of us. Learning the rules and a few common mistakes to avoid will take you a long way when you are ready to publish your research.
  7. Ethics committee approval and publication
    Scope: Covers the tips for facing the ethics committee
    The doctor- researcher must serve both the roles and at times the zeal of an investigator has the potential to cloud the morality of the physician inside. Thus, is it important to maintain the rules and regulations of ‘’Good Clinical Practice” in clinical research laid down by many regulatory bodies. The course with outline the requirements for ethics committee approval and publication of research papers.
  8. Open House Discussion
    Scope: To provide opportunity for the course participants to involve in group discussions and clarify doubts
    The course concludes on the critical requirement of research projects in the realm of emergency care, highlighting the demand for novel approaches.

Course agenda

8:00 to 8:45Registration and Breakfast
8:45 to 9:00Introduction of faculty and delegatesDr Sowjanya P / Dr Harshitha
9:00 to 9:30Introduction to medical research and thesis writing
9:30 to 11:00Biostatistics overviewDr Priyanka MK / Dr Harshitha
11:00 to 11:15Coffee/Tea Break
11:15 to 12:00Generating suitable research ideas
12:00 to 12:45Literature search and critical review of journal article
12:45 to 13:30Lunch Break
13:30 to 14:30How to achieve study objectives
14:30 to 15:15Common mistakes in research synopsisDr Harsha Makhwana
15:15 to 16:00Ethics committee approval and publicationDr Raghu Kondle
16:00 to 16:15Coffee/Tea Break
16:15 to 17:00Open House Discussion
17:00 to 17:30Certificate distribution and Feedback