Emergency Nursing Certification

Professional Certification in Emergency Nursing – SEMI
Official preconference workshop
26 Oct 2023
9:00 – 17:00
HICC Novotel – Hyderabad
+91 90593 40232 on WhatsApp or Call on +91 90593 70232


09:30-10:00Triaging in ERMrs Revathi B
10:00-10:30On toes every minute : Dealing with Shock PatientsMr Mitheesh
10:30-11:00How to assess the sick : Primary AssessmentMiss Yathi Pinreddy
11:20-11:50We manage before advanced Airway : Basic AirwayMr Anand Kumar V
11:50-12:10Be familiar with NIV   & MV :Ventilation principles in ED Dr Md Azeem   Uddin 
12:10 – 12:40Basic Life Support : Adult / Paed /Neonate Dr Mohd Mujthaba   Hussain
12:40 – 13:10Advanced Cardiac Life Support : Learn the AlgorithmsDr Mohd Mujthaba   Hussain
13:10-13:45Lunch break
13:45 -14:00Let’s Keep that heart Pumping! – BLS PracticeMr Pavan and Mr   Shariq
14:00-15:00Work stations 
1, Basic Airway and Adjuncts Mr Anand Kumar V
2, Primary Assessment Miss Yathi Pinreddy
3, ACLS: Principles of Defib and Cardio version Dr Mohd Mujthaba   Hussain
4, Triaging scenarios Mrs Revathi B
15:00 – 15:30Dealing with Pumps:   Drug calculations Mr Mitheesh
15:30- 16:00Survey the Trauma victim: Primary Survey and basic interventions Dr Md Azeem   Uddin 
16:15-16:45EM QuizDr Md Azeem   Uddin 
16:45-17:00Closing note and   Certification