Drones in Emergency Medicine

Drones in Emergency Medicine
Official preconference workshop
26 Oct 2023
9:00 – 17:00
HICC Novotel – Hyderabad
+91 90593 40232 on WhatsApp or Call on +91 90593 70232


First workshop in India on Drones in Emergency Medical Care

Drone technology, or correctly termed as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is the newest advancement of science which has taken the world by storm. India is yet to witness the fantastic work these exciting flying vehicles can do. There are innumerable applications within the domain of both private and public space, especially in healthcare and emergency medical response.
Apollo Hospitals is the first in India to begin experiments using drone technology for hospital services, in collaboration with drone regulators and partners.
We must bring in new technology, as it becomes available, to improve patient care and safety. We also strongly believe that flying drones, robotics and AI will play a dominating role in our future hospitals.
Join us at EMCON and let’s come up with some innovative ideas!


✓ Learn how drone industry has developed in India.
✓ Who are the stakeholders for drones in India.
✓ Learn about types of drones.
✓ Applications of drones
✓ Applications of drones in healthcare.
✓ Drones in emergency medicine.
✓ Drone assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
✓ Drones in disaster response.
✓ Drone assisted patient care.
✓ Organ transportation requirements for drones.
✓ Vaccine transportation requirements.
✓ Drone corridors and movement of drones.
✓ Drone projects across the world.
✓ Extreme drones for extreme medicine.

Take a copy of Drone Regulations.
✓ Take a copy of Drone India Report.
✓ Learn how to register a drone.
✓ How to become a drone pilot.
✓ Demonstration of drone technology.
✓ How to fly a drone with hands on!


We are a mix of both medical and technical professionals who are working together on drone applications in healthcare.
Dr. Imron Subhan
Head of Emergency Medicine, Apollo Hospitals Hyderabad
Mr. Vignesh Santhanam
Lead – Aerospace & Drones, World Economic Forum
Dr. Syed Safiuddin Ghazi
Consultant, Department of Emergency Medicine, Apollo Hospitals Hyderabad
Mr. Farooq Ahmed
Lead – Medical Engineering, Apollo Telehealth & HealthNet Global
Dr. Rahul Singh
Director – ICATT Air Ambulances