Pediatric research network – PREDICT

Official preconference workshop
26 Oct 2023
8:00 – 16:00
HICC Novotel – Hyderabad
+91 90593 40232 on WhatsApp or Call on +91 90593 70232


Large multi-centre studies are required to answer the “big questions” in acute paediatric care. In the last 20 years, there has been rapid growth in national and international research networks. There are now established PEM research networks in the USA (PEM-CRC and PECARN), Canada (PERC), Australia and New Zealand (PREDICT), the United Kingdom and Ireland (PERUKI), Europe (REPEM), Spain (RISEUp / SPERG) and Central and South America (RIDEPLA). There is a strong collaboration between networks, coordinated through the global Pediatric Emergency Research Network (PERN).

Currently, India does not have a PEM research network….
…. but there is now an opportunity to change this!


This one-day practical workshop for front-line paediatric emergency medicine
clinicians aims to lay a solid foundation for the development of a national
research network to improve the care of children presenting to emergency
departments across India

By the end of this workshop, participants will

  • Understand the steps necessary to design and conduct high-quality paediatric
    emergency medicine research.
  • Understand the processes involved in setting up and running a successful multicentre research network
  • Have learned about and been given the opportunity to contribute to
    multinational research projects
  • Have developed a prioritised set of research questions relevant to PEM in India

The workshop will be conducted by experienced faculty from the Australia / NZ PREDICT network. The PREDICT network has conducted a number of landmark multicentre studies in paediatric emergency care, including:

  • Paediatric Acute Respiratory Intervention Studies on high-flow nasal oxygen therapy
    • PARIS 1 study, published in NEJM, which randomised 1472 hypoxic infants with bronchiolitis to initial treatment with lowflow nasal oxygen or high-flow nasal oxygen.
    • PARIS 2 study, published in JAMA, which randomised 1567 children with acute hypoxaemic respiratory failure to either low-flow or high-flow nasal oxygen.
  • A randomised controlled trial of phenytoin vs levetiracetam in 233 children with convulsive status epilepticus (CONSEPT study), published in Lancet.
  • A prospective observational study of 20,137 children and adolescents presenting to emergency departments with head injury (APHIRST study), published in Lancet
  • A randomised controlled trial of apnoeic oxygenation for emergency intubation, which recruited 960 children (THRIVE study), results yet to be published.


Professor Franz Babl

Professor Simon Craig

Professor Stuart Dalziel

Associate Professor Elliot Long


8:00 – 9:00Registration
9:00 – 10:30Introduction, welcome and overview of the day – Simon Craig
The knowledge pipeline (idea to clinical trial to change in practice)
– Franz Babl
Developing a research idea – Stuart Dalziel
Interactive session (small groups) – developing research priorities
Planning retrospective studies – Simon Craig
Prospective observational studies – Elliot Long
Planning a clinical trial – Stuart Dalziel
10:30 – 11:00Morning Tea
11:00 – 12:00A brief introduction to statistics. – Simon Craig
Reporting guidelines (CONSORT, STROBE, etc) – Stuart Dalziel
Managing data – Franz Babl
Communication and keeping people engaged – Elliot Long (+/- Cate Wilson)
Interactive session – discussion / clarification of research priorities
12:00 – 1:00Lunch
1:00 – 2:30International collaboration in PEM research: the PERN network – Stuart Dalziel
Lessons from the PREDICT network.
Getting started: structure and governance – Franz Babl
20 minutes – voting on research ideas
The first projects for a network: surveys and retrospective chart reviews
(examples from PREDICT) – Franz Babl
Current PREDICT projects – open to collaboration from India (e.g. burns,
sepsis, asthma)
2:20 – 2:40Afternoon tea
2:40 – 4:00Presentation of prioritised PEM research topics for India
Interactive session – small groups focused on the top 5 research priorities
(each with PREDICT faculty member and Indian PEM faculty member)
Discuss / plan / workshop projects
Interactive session – each working group gives brief presentation on research
Next steps: where to from here?

More pre-conference workshops